VS Code Cheat Sheet
Cursor movement
Moving the cursor around = arrow keys
Going to next token / word = hold ctrl + arrow key left or right
Going to end of a line = end
Going to start of a line = home
Going to start of first line in file = ctrl + home
Going to start of last line in file = ctrl + end
Selecting stuff
Select one character at a time = hold shift + arrow key left or right
Selecting entire lines = hold shift + arrow key up or down
Selecting an entire token / word = ctrl + shift + arrow keys
Select all occurences of token / word = ctrl + shift + l
Working with entire lines at once
Insert line below (disregard current cursor position) = ctrl + enter
Insert line above (disregard current cursor position) = ctrl + shift + enter
Moving an entire line up or down = alt + arrow key up or down
Copy an entire line up or down = shift + alt + arrow key up or down
Delete an entire line = ctrl + shift + k
Working with source code
Jump to matching bracket = ctrl + shift + \
Collapse region = ctrl + shift + [
Expand region = ctrl + shift + ]
Misc Actions
Scroll the viewport / window = ctrl + up or down arrow
Spawn additional cursor above / blow = ctrl + shift + arrow key up or down