Web Dir | Cheats

◤Things Everyone* Should Know◥

*Everyone in this context: programmers, developers, coders, hackers, software engineers, IT professionals, power users...
How text characters are encoded → Wikipedia on Character Encoding
  A quick history from ASCII to Unicode → Joel On Software explains Character Encoding
How newlines are handled in text → Wikipedia on Newline
  Some background on the EOL issue → RFC Editor EOL Story
Backslash vs Forward Slash → howtogeek on slashes
What is an enviroment variable → Wikipedia on Enviroment Variables
How to edit PATH variable (Windows) → howtogeek on Window's PATH
What a physical computer terminal is → Wikipedia on Computer Terminals
What a terminal emulator is → Wikipedia on Terminal Emulators
What a shell is → Wikipedia on Shells
Why programs on Windows have to be console or non-console/GUI → Raymond Chen blogpost
In what order are bytes read → Wikipedia on Endianness
  The Endianness Holy War Explained → IEN 137
What instruction set architecture is → Wikipedia on ISA

◤Free Books◥

Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C# - Svetlin Nakov, Veselin Kolev & Co → Book's Website
C# Programming Yellow Book by Rob Miles → Book's Website
Automate the Boring Stuff with Python by Al Sweigart → Book's Website
Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces by Arpaci-Dusseau → Book's Website
Beej's Guide to C Programming by Brian Hall → Book's Website

◤Computer Science and Computing◥

Computerphile Yotube Channel → Youtube Channel
Crash Course Computer Science → Youtube Playlist
  A good overview of CS and computing topics
WikiWikiWeb → https://wiki.c2.com/?WelcomeVisitors
  The first Wiki site, now home to a wealth of commentary and history of programming and software development.

◤Retro Computing◥

The 8-Bit Guy Youtube Channel → Youtube Channel
LGR Youtube Channel → Youtube Channel

Text User Interfaces

Text mode computer displays → Wikipedia on Text mode
Semigraphics → Wikipedia on Semigraphics
 More background information → HandWiki on Semigraphics
Block elements in Unicode → Wikipedia on Block elements
Box drawing in Unicode → Wikipedia on Box drawing
Geometric shapes in Unicode → Wikipedia on Geometric shapes

◤Zig Corner◥

Official Zig language website → https://ziglang.org/
Official language documentation → https://ziglang.org/documentation/master/
Learn Zig website → https://ziglearn.org/chapter-0/
Learn Zig in 30 minutes guide → Github gist from ityonemo
Finish incomplete Code to Learn Zig → https://github.com/ratfactor/ziglings


Visual Studio Code → https://code.visualstudio.com/
  VSCodium → https://vscodium.com/
TiddlyWiki → https://tiddlywiki.com/
Sumatra PDF → https://www.sumatrapdfreader.org/
Blender → https://www.blender.org/
Rufus → https://rufus.ie/en/#
Fatdog → http://distro.ibiblio.org/fatdog/web/#home


The original Bitcoin whitepaper → https://bitcoin.org/bitcoin.pdf
Bitcoin developer introductory guides → bitcoin.org developer guides
Bitcoin developer reference → bitcoin.org developer reference
Bitcoin wiki → https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Main_Page
Learn Me a Bitcoin → https://learnmeabitcoin.com/


Clean URLS → https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clean_URL
Cool URIs don't change → https://www.w3.org/Provider/Style/URI
URI normalization → https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/URI_normalization


Reserved IP addresses for special purposes → Wikipedia on Reserved IP Addresses

◤Search Engines◥

Yandex → https://yandex.com/
Brave Search → https://search.brave.com/
Andi Search → https://andisearch.com/


Rogue → https://britzl.github.io/roguearchive/
  the game that started it all...
Neocities → https://neocities.org/